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A Data Mesh Is Born

Wednesday Nov 30 / 09:20AM PST

What is it like to build a real Data Mesh from the ground up? How can you do it by supporting multiple technologies but providing real value at the same time?

Speaker image - Lorenzo Pirazzini

Lorenzo Pirazzini

Big Data Engineer @Agile Lab


From a JVM monolith to lambdas: THINK SMALL, deliver more with less

Wednesday Nov 30 / 10:30AM PST

What is it like to rebuild an engine while a plane is still in flight? It might be a bit like transitioning a successful enterprise product from monolithic architecture to AWS Lambda. At least, we think so.

Speaker image - Adam Murray

Adam Murray

VP of Engineering @Prismic

Speaker image - Michel Chau

Michel Chau


Wednesday Nov 30 / 09:00AM PST
