Building Modern Backends

Polyglot, developer-focused track around Innovations building low-friction, performant backends powering software today.

From this track

Session Backends

Backends in Dart

Thursday Dec 1 / 09:00AM PST

Dart's popularity has surged in the past few years, as it's the language behind Flutter - Google's cross platform front end framework. That's now driving a notion of 'Full Stack Dart', where if you've spent time learning Dart for the front end, why not also use it for the back end.

Speaker image - Chris Swan

Chris Swan

Engineer @atsigncompany

Session Backends

24/7 State Replication

Thursday Dec 1 / 10:10AM PST

Systems that operate non-stop, 24/7 are standard in many consumer-facing industries. Often, but definitely not always, these systems do not have aggressive SLAs nor high availability needs to the degree that some financial systems demand. But that is changing.

Speaker image - Todd Montgomery

Todd Montgomery

Ex-NASA Researcher and High Performance Distributed Systems Whisperer


Ubiquitous Caching: A Journey of Building Efficient Distributed and In-Process Caches at Twitter

Thursday Dec 1 / 11:20AM PST

Modern web applications widely deploy cache across the stack to speed up data access and improve throughput. In this talk, I will discuss three trends in hardware, workload, and cache usage that shape the design of modern caches.

Speaker image - Juncheng Yang

Juncheng Yang

Ph.D. student @CarnegieMellon, Focus on Efficiency and Performance, Previously @Twitter & @Cloudflare, Facebook Fellow

Session Backends

Leveraging Determinism

Thursday Dec 1 / 12:30PM PST

Determinism is a very powerful concept when paired with fast business logic. We discuss both intuitive and not-so-obvious architecture choices that can be made to dramatically scale and simplify systems with these properties.

Speaker image - Frank Yu

Frank Yu

Senior Engineering Manager @Coinbase


Data Mesh: Are We There Yet?

Thursday Dec 1 / 01:40PM PST

Standing at an inflection point is a magical experience. It’s where we look at what has come before, learn from it, and choose a new path. Data Mesh has motivated many organizations to stand at an inflection point of their approach to data.

Speaker image - Zhamak Dehghani

Zhamak Dehghani

CEO and Founder @Stealth Startup, Data Mesh Founder, Author, Speaker

Track Host

Todd Montgomery

Ex-NASA Researcher and High Performance Distributed Systems Whisperer

Todd Montgomery is a networking hacker who has researched, designed, and built numerous protocols, messaging-oriented middleware systems, and real-time data systems, done research for NASA, contributed to the IETF and IEEE, and co-founded two startups. He currently works as an Engineering Fellow at Adaptive Financial Consulting and is active in several open source projects, including Agrona, Aeron, ReactiveSocket, and the FIX Simple Binary Encoding (SBE).

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