We have all heard "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" in medicine, but the security industry isn't so sure. This talk explores the forefront of simple and effective preventative strategies. Attendees should leave inspired to change their defaults and assumptions, and push vendors to do better.
What You’ll Learn:
1. Hear about prevention security strategies that help building a more secure solution in the cloud.
2. Learn how to address some security issues as prevention measures rather than having them develop as painful problems.
What is the focus of your work these days?
I am starting a company to help developers manage the complexity of the cloud in a way that's secure and really helps them get their job done more effectively.
And what's the motivation behind your talk?
I would like to see security products that are more proactive in general. I've seen enough dashboards and problems that just add more work to people's plates. And really what I want to do is stimulate thought and point out good examples where we've really helped people to have security for free without having to go and do more work.
How would you describe the persona and level of your target audience for the session?
People that have used products for security, people that are buyers of security products, people who are thinking about building in-house security products. I think that we can all learn lessons from this and take it back and do a little bit better for our users and customers.
Is there anything specific that you like this persona to walk away with after watching your presentation?
I would love it if everyone would go back and think about this and then build something or start an initiative to make everyone's lives easier.

Travis McPeak
Founder and CEO @ResourcelyInc
Travis is a security leader with over a decade of experience spanning application and cloud security. He enjoys building scalable security teams that empower developers by making security automatic and easy. Travis is a founder and CEO at Resourcely and previously led teams and projects at large cloud-first companies including Netflix and Databricks. Travis loves working with startups and serves as an advisor and angel investor in over a dozen companies.