
Session Application Programming Interface

Scaling GraphQL Adoption at Netflix

Friday Dec 2 / 11:20AM PST

GraphQL is steadily gaining popularity as an API technology choice for Client to Server communication. However, it can be daunting to realize the benefits of GraphQL without significant investment.

Speaker image - Tejas Shikhare

Tejas Shikhare

Senior Software Engineer @Netflix

Session Frontend

Building Typesafe APIs with tRPC & TypeScript

Wednesday Nov 30 / 10:30AM PST

When developing modern APIs, there a few options to choose from. REST is not a standard  but instead style. Trust is constantly broken between the API and client. gRPC and GraphQL provide standards but require complex tooling.

Speaker image - Brian Douglas

Brian Douglas

Co-founder & CEO @saucedopen, previously led Developer Advocacy by showcasing newest features @Github