
Session Hybrid Work Strategies

The Future of Work: How Flexibility Unlocks Potential for People and Organizations

Tuesday Dec 6 / 12:30PM PST

The last two years created a massive discontinuity in how we work, and now the debate rages: are we going back to the way things were, or investing to move forward?

Speaker image - Brian Elliott

Brian Elliott

Executive Leader, Future Forum & SVP @Slack | Author, How the Future Works

Session Hybrid Work Strategies

Building High-Trust and High-Performing Teams at Shopify in a Remote World

Tuesday Dec 6 / 10:10AM PST

The switch to remote-only and hybrid has unlocked so much potential for the world and our companies: we can hire the best, people can live where they want, and we can form teams based on skills and interest instead of location.

Speaker image - Jesse McGinnis

Jesse McGinnis

Senior Development Manager @Shopify and Author of Embracing Uncertainty

Session Hybrid Work Strategies

Leveraging Hybrid One-on-Ones for Better Connections

Tuesday Dec 6 / 11:20AM PST

One of the most difficult challenges to overcome in a hybrid or remote work environment is the lack of social connection between team members—and worse, the often insufficient time that managers spend individually with their reports.

Speaker image - Alexandra Sunderland

Alexandra Sunderland

Senior Engineering Manager @fellowapp

Session Hybrid Work Strategies

Successful Leadership in Hybrid Environments: Powerful Principles, Practical Steps, and Poignant Examples

Tuesday Dec 6 / 09:00AM PST

Being a technical- or people leader in a hybrid work environment can be extra challenging: While on paper, it may look like hybrid work combines the “best of both [remote and co-located] worlds”, the reality often looks drastically different: 

Speaker image - Lena Reinhard

Lena Reinhard

Founder, Coach, Consultant @Lena Reinhard Leadership Coaching & Consulting