People Skills
The Future of Work: How Flexibility Unlocks Potential for People and Organizations
Tuesday Dec 6 / 12:30PM PST
The last two years created a massive discontinuity in how we work, and now the debate rages: are we going back to the way things were, or investing to move forward?

Brian Elliott
Executive Leader, Future Forum & SVP @Slack | Author, How the Future Works
The Secret to Finding Impactful Projects to Land a Staff-Plus Engineer Role
Wednesday Nov 30 / 10:30AM PST
So, you want to be a Staff-Plus Engineer at your organization. Are you one of a hundred engineers vying for that big new shiny project to get you there?

Akhilesh Gupta
Principal Software Engineer @LinkedIn
How Community Engagement Can Boost Your Staff-Plus Career
Wednesday Nov 30 / 11:40AM PST
How does someone become a successful Staff-Plus Engineer? It is probably a mix of technical skills and having the right opportunities. But what if you don't have access to the best opportunities or the right contacts?

Eder Ignatowicz
Principal Software Engineer and Architect @RedHat
Recipes for Blameless Accountability
Monday Dec 5 / 10:10AM PST

Michelle Brush
Engineering Manager SRE @Google
Reckoning with the Harm We Do: In Search of Restorative Just Culture in Software and Web Operations
Monday Dec 5 / 12:30PM PST
“Psychological Safety” and “Blameless” postmortems are not enough. We’ve heard that we need a “Just Culture” but does that matter if your people are “stressed, exhausted, depleted, spent, drained”?

Jessica DeVita
Sr. Software Engineering Manager - SRE @Microsoft
Generous, High Fidelity Communication Is the Key to a Safe, Effective Team
Monday Dec 5 / 09:00AM PST
A team's ability to communicate effectively and disagree productively is directly related to its resilience towards incidents and interruptions.

Denise Yu
Engineering Manager and Rubyist
Building High-Trust and High-Performing Teams at Shopify in a Remote World
Tuesday Dec 6 / 10:10AM PST
The switch to remote-only and hybrid has unlocked so much potential for the world and our companies: we can hire the best, people can live where they want, and we can form teams based on skills and interest instead of location.

Jesse McGinnis
Senior Development Manager @Shopify and Author of Embracing Uncertainty
Leveraging Hybrid One-on-Ones for Better Connections
Tuesday Dec 6 / 11:20AM PST
One of the most difficult challenges to overcome in a hybrid or remote work environment is the lack of social connection between team members—and worse, the often insufficient time that managers spend individually with their reports.

Alexandra Sunderland
Senior Engineering Manager @fellowapp
Successful Leadership in Hybrid Environments: Powerful Principles, Practical Steps, and Poignant Examples
Tuesday Dec 6 / 09:00AM PST
Being a technical- or people leader in a hybrid work environment can be extra challenging: While on paper, it may look like hybrid work combines the “best of both [remote and co-located] worlds”, the reality often looks drastically different:

Lena Reinhard
Founder, Coach, Consultant @Lena Reinhard Leadership Coaching & Consulting