From Zero to A Hundred Billion: Building Scalable Real Time Event Processing At DoorDash
Wednesday Nov 30 / 12:50PM PST
At DoorDash, real time events are an important data source to gain insight into our business but building a system capable of handling billions of real time events is challenging.

Allen Wang
Software Engineer @DoorDash
Vulnerability Inbox Zero
Monday Dec 5 / 11:20AM PST
You have a vulnerability problem. You run a scanner. Now you have two problems - vulnerabilities and a mess of scanner results to process.

Alex Smolen
Director of Security @LaunchDarkly
Fabricator: End-to-End Declarative Feature Engineering Platform
Wednesday Dec 7 / 10:10AM PST
At Doordash, the last year has seen a surge in applications of machine learning to various product verticals in our growing business. However, with this growth, our data scientists have had increasing bottlenecks in their development cycle because of our existing feature engineering process.

Kunal Shah
ML Platform Engineering Manager @DoorDash